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Volunteers & Fisherman's Mark - Together in Caring

Are you looking for ways to give back? Ways to improve the lives of your neighbors and strengthen our community? Ways to be AWESOME? You’ve come to the right place.

40/40 Campaign

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Fisherman’s Mark! For four decades, we have been working to strengthen our community by providing programs and services that promote stability, health and education. To celebrate, we intend to raise $40,000 while increasing awareness of the work we do in our community. 

Business-community Partnerships

For 40 years, Fisherman’s Mark has provided for our most vulnerable area residents. We assist seniors living in poverty, individuals with physical or mental disabilities, the underemployed and the unemployed, the homeless, the abused, the addicted, our veterans and non-citizens alike.

Host A Fund Drive

Fund Drives Feed More People

How? Through our relationships with local suppliers, Fisherman’s Mark provides a LOT of food for a lot less money. Why Pay Full Price? We make your monetary donation worth every penny!

It’s as simple as that!

Making the most of every dollar

With administrative costs minimized to under 9%, you can be sure that a donation to Fisherman’s Mark goes directly to the vital services we provide.

Become a Volunteer

The volunteers of Fisherman’s Mark contribute their time and talents in many ways, from staffing our Food Pantry, warehouse stocking, distributing program material, campus clean-up, marketing, grant writing, you name it! We couldn’t help all of the people that we do without the support of our volunteers.

another way to get involved…

Invest in the community 

Make Your Mark

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