Fisherman’s Mark continues to create programs that both engage and support the community. Our newest venture, right outside the doors of the Food Pantry, is our Common Unity Garden, which has 3 primary goals: ENGAGE the community to raise awareness of the poverty-health gap and the need to increase access to healthy food for low income individuals/families; TEACH basic techniques of urban gardening, to help people connect with the power and joy of growing food, GROW delicious, abundant vegetables, herbs and fruits to supplement the offerings of the Fisherman’s Mark Food Pantry and Community Wellness Programs.
And our COMMON UNITY GARDEN is growing – literally – thanks to the dedication and commitment of this amazing community: Matt Noonan, owner of Natural Approach LLC who designed and directed the garden installation, Rutgers Master Gardeners who donated seeds, T&T Tree Services who donated truckloads of mulch, did someone donate the dirt?, South Hunterdon High School Future Farmers of America, who built our garden beds and trellis’s, and finally our amazing volunteers, along with leadership from the NJ Dept of Human Services and NJ Secretary of Agriculture as well as staff and patients from the Trenton Psychiatric Hospital “New Leaf Gardeners” program, who spent an entire morning planting herbs, vegetables and flowers. We are so grateful for their support and enthusiasm for our newest initiative increasing access to healthy food! Our garden is amazing!!
Visit or like Fisherman’s Mark on Facebook to keep an eye on how our garden grows!