One of the many consequences of the pandemic is an increase in domestic issues. On a recent Friday afternoon, a young mother arrived at Fisherman’s Mark with her two toddlers. A previous resident of Hunterdon County, she had gone home to Ohio to escape domestic violence but was forced to return because the court-mandated she shares the children with the father. The woman couldn’t get a place to stay because she didn’t have a job, and she couldn’t get a job because she didn’t have childcare. There is no shelter in Hunterdon, and County Services didn’t call back. She couldn’t find a safe place for her children. There was no help from home, no one to call, nowhere to turn. Fisherman’s Mark was able to give the family the hand they couldn’t get anywhere else.
This is our 40th year. It’s a lot like the other years, except there’s more of it. Last year we served 450 people in crisis, with no government assistance. In 2020 we’ve seen the number of new clients triple. It happens to good people, like your neighbor, or a relative. Look out your window. We have helped someone within your view get their life back on track. If you run into trouble, Fisherman’s Mark will be there for you too.
It’s your town. Be the help that’s needed. Please donate today.
All 2020 donors to Fisherman’s Mark will be automatically entered for an opportunity to win the original painting “Masonic Lodge” by Robert Beck, which he generously donated in support of our Fall Appeal.