Fisherman’s Mark Fall 2024 Appeal

Painting: “Fishing” by Robert Beck

Give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime.”

This saying perfectly captures what we’re about at Fisherman’s Mark—helping people become self-sufficient.

But there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

Maybe you’re a parent new to the country, struggling with the language, job hunting, and finding childcare. Our new English as a Second Language program gives the tools to communicate, and our Lambertville Academy can provide you with excellent and affordable childcare.

Or perhaps you’ve just had a stroke, and suddenly, life feels like a maze of government benefits and social services you never thought you’d need. Fisherman’s Mark will not only guide you through what’s available but also help with the paperwork if you need it.

It’s hard to think about math and science if you’re thinking about the hunger pains in your belly. Our Feeding Local Youth program provides kids with meals when school is not in session—on the weekends and in the summer.

Fisherman’s Mark runs our programs with the support of a small staff, incredible volunteers, and local business partners. We don’t receive direct government financial assistance. We rely on donations.

We are fortunate to be in a community that truly looks out for one another.

Your support educates and cares for those in our community who need it as they find their path to self-sufficiency.

As we approach the end of 2024, we invite you to join us once again in making a significant impact.

Be the help when help is needed. Please donate.


Jacqui Griffith
Chair, Board of Directors

Jennifer Williford
Executive Director